Resurgent Islam. Historical interpreters have predicted a resurgent
Islam from the beginning of the 1800's and even earlier. I am just some one
following the lead of those who have gone before in many protestant
denominations including Anglicans, all of whom unfortunately have thrown
their prophetic heritage away with the popularity of the left behind
Durham (1647)and bishop Newton (1750) were both Anglicans, Scott, Farber, (1815) were Methodists, Barnes (1853) a Presbyterian, and B.W.Johnson (1878) of the noninsturment church of Christ. All the preceding predicted a resurgeance of islam after the end of the Turkish Empire(1917).
When most Islamic nations in mid 1800's were under the control of European powers (mostly
English and French) it would hardly seem to be the time to predict a
reassertion of Islamic power is the future after predicting that the Turkish
empire would "dry up" first. But that is what these interpreters and
many more did.
They place the time after the fall of the Turkish Empire 1917 and in
conjunction with the rise and fall of Russian Atheism and the return to
political power of the Papacy lost in 1870 and restored in 1931 which has
crown stronger as Islam increases. It is similar to the argument for
maintain the "temporality" that Luther opposed which the Papists said was
needed to maintain the crusades and hold back the Turks. The Papists are
using it again today to maintain political assertiveness. The alliance of
Soviet atheism, renewed papal political power and an alliance with Islam to
impede true religion was voiced by most of those mentioned above in the 18th
and 19th centuries.
The fall of the soviet system (1991) has taken place and is ongoing to its ultimate
completion. Already, no nation will ever again collectivize its peasantry
and nationalize their industry, that is over, not even the "communist"
Chinese have held the line. Perhaps Cuba and a few other minor entities are
still enamored with the false concept but it will all soon pass as it has in
the former soviet satellites,
The next events of the next 20 years, will include the passing of political
organized power of the Vatican. They will no longer hang anyone under
Blackfriars Bridge, The Bishop of Rome will still be around but not in the
same position. All his embassies world wide will close. and perhaps the
church will get back to the business of interpreting the Bible.
Islam is undergoing great changes. The changes have already been outlined
in prophecy. Islamic nations will open to more and more political and
religious freedom. Islam it self will not disappear but political and
religious freedom will come to Islamic nations. Political freedom and
religious freedom are one in the same. If you have one you have the other.
The Almighty, through the sword of Jesus' mouth, is the most potent weapon and
with all these entities here the war is ideological and will be won on an
ideological battleground and not with the weapons of war.
It is like this: If God is to discipline any person or nation he does not
need our help to do so. I think the Jews were under a discipline from God
and scattering was the punishment. Any nation who felt that God needed help
in disciplining Jews from the Romans, to the Spanish, and then Germans has
suffered themselves. God does not need our help. Islamic nations will open
to Political and religious freedom. I think the current bloody events to
help that concept along are ill conceived and will just impede what is
inevitable. My own position from the 1980's been that the Christian truth
brought to the light of day in our time by Lesbian Atheists is the major
force (not the only ideology but the main one) that must and is bringing
about change in politics and religion in Islamic nations. The woman's
movement is unstoppable and it will do more to bring change than all wars and
the atomic bombs that may yet fall before western politicians get wise.
When you hear that some Baptist and Methodist and perhaps some church of
Christ missionaries have opened little missions in Riyadh, Mecca, and Medina
then you will know the season is well underway.
From 1930 to 2030 Satan is
scheduled to loose his major force against God. All sin will not be gone,
but the 1. Dragon (Godless secular government as an enemy of the growth of
the Christian religion) 2. The Beast ( The false Babylonish religion and
political power of the Papacy) and 3, The False Prophet (the incredible
influence of Islam from Gibraltar to the Indus River and Indonesia to cloud
the minds of multiple millions for more than 1300 years) will be gone.
Militant Islam will be as dead in Riyadh as communism is in Warsaw and
Kiev. Give it 20 or so years. The only thing that will make it longer is
humans trying to help it along with war. That will just delay the
inevitable and we in the west will pay a high price for our interference.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Resurgent Islam predicted after the end of the Turkish Empire as early as 1650
Posted by
Fred Miller
12:39 PM
Labels: 72 virgins, Islam, Papacy, Papal states., vatican, women's movememt equal rights
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- Fred Miller
- Carrollton, Georgia, United States
- Evangelist and professor of Bible, History, Greek, and Hebrew. Currently living with wife, Charlotte, in Carrollton, Georgia, just outside Atlanta. Please visit my bio at for more information.