The Vatican State is an enemy of New Testament Christianity.
If you look closely at my writings you will find that I do not accuse a single person of being anti Christian nor do I condemn the Catholic Church as an entity. It is the Papal system. In prophecy the antichristian prophecies speak of a "beast" or a "horn" both of which are always political systems, empires or kingdoms. So antichrist is a political system, not a person.
Can good people do good things while being involved in a false system? I knew a dear woman who had several children for whom she made constant novenas. That is making long prayers at the church for nine weeks, doing the stations of the cross and other things she hoped would make God pay attention to her children's needs. I would be the last to say such a person was antichristian. God bless her.
Have you heard of Malachi Martin? Find his books and read them. He died recently in NYC. He died a Jesuit priest in the Roman system. He was never defrocked. More than that he was for many years an important member of the Vatican staff on the Roman Curiei or Curia. He certainly knew the inside if nay one would. He never left the church. A remarkable person.
Some his books are
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Church. out of print and hard to find. In it he gives the same sordid history of the papacy of the middle ages that you will find outlined in Halley's handbook of the Bible (still in print and most preacher's have a copy)
The Final Conclave is a book of fiction in which Martin describes the dilemna in Castle Gondolpho when there is no solution to naming a new pope. and the papacy dies a natural death. Actually Martin describes several scenarios which could bring about the end of the Vatican State which he believed was not far in the future.
Martin, as a good Roman Catholic, believed that the Vatican government was the problem entity in the church.
His last book The Keys of His Blood, which can be bought on Amazon, used, reletively cheaply is a 1200 page book. He had been threatened with discipline because of his writings predicting the end of the Papal State. As with me I do not look forward to the end of the bishop of Rome but of the Papal system as a human government. This government is now sim[ply a shadow of its former power and it has not reached this position of relative weakness (compared to pre 1500 to 1800) in one bound but it has suffered decline of power by degrees beginning with the 1790's. So Malachi wrote the 1st 600 pages of that book to satisfy his critics in the Vatican and then the 2nd 600 pages is the most strong and stinging exposure of the many different political intrieges and parties that still practice antichristian political schemes. Get the book and read it.
There is a lot on him on line. Read just one URL to get a taste. here is the URL
After reading him I concluded he believed about the same thing I do. and he believed that the end of the Vatican as a state is imminent. I believe within the next 20 years or before 2020 the bishop of Rome will no longewr rule over a body politic which still deals in political assasinations and other things usually associated with the CIA.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
The Vatican Statehood Ends Soon
Posted by
Fred Miller
11:13 AM
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- Fred Miller
- Carrollton, Georgia, United States
- Evangelist and professor of Bible, History, Greek, and Hebrew. Currently living with wife, Charlotte, in Carrollton, Georgia, just outside Atlanta. Please visit my bio at for more information.
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