Mars as a source of the water that came at the time of Noah's flood.
by Fred P Miller
Fact: Several "meteors" found in the Antarctic ice are confirmed by astronomers to have originated on Mars.
It had been proposed about 1950 by one secular writer in the past that the ice on Antarctica was dumped there in a near cosmic collision. Immanuel Velikovski was a well known historian who taught with and was a companion of Albert Einstein at Princeton University. Also, Donald Patten, a Christian writer also proposed the same thing about 1966 in his Book The Biblical Flood and Ice Age Epic"(See Patten's work on line at: Recently discovered ancient cosmic events lend some support to this hypothesis. Mingled with the ice on the Antarctic continent are "meteors" (12 discovered so far) whose origin has been established fairly firmly as being from Mars. A larger number of Martian meteors have also been found widely distributed over the rest of the planet Earth.
The Bible account of the Genesis Flood indicates two or three sources for the waters that covered the planet. One was from earth movements from beneath and the other from outer space including the prediluvian water canopy.
Gen 7:11 ...the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
According to the narrative in Genesis the source of the flood diminished when these two sources were turned off and also when the rain stopped.
Gen 8:2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;
It is Velikovski's view, with some supporting and corroborating evidence, since his book was written, (He predicted the high surface temperature of Venus among other things before it was possible to verify the data.) that Venus, originally a wandering star and a late-comer to the Solar system, was in a near collision with Mars. Mars was moved and drawn from it's orbit toward the earth and its moons were seen by earth inhabitants, (see number 10 below.) It is therefore possible that these "Worlds in near collision" caused not only some of the rocks to be drawn off Mars and deposited on the earth but also the water that formerly covered a portion of the Mars surface, was, according to Patten's proposal, deposited as ice in the Antarctic and other regions. This may be the answer to where the water on Mars went. There seems to be clear erosion evidence of former oceans on Mars
Several things support this idea.
1. At some time in the past Mars was close enough to the earth for the 2 Moons of Mars to be seen. They have been described in more than one ancient source. They can not be seen with the naked eye.
2. The orbit of Mars is not regular but very eccentric giving evidence of a disturbance of its orbit in the past. The asteroid belt which is beyond Mars also gives evidence of a collision in the past and the fragmenting of a planet that orbited between Mars and Jupiter The former planet now fragmented into asteroids now orbits very eccentrically and crosses the orbits of both Mars and the Earth.
3. The fact that in the past the continents on Earth were much larger and the ocean beds smaller is evidenced by the river valleys in the continental shelves under the present sea level and may be evidence of the addition of water from a celestial source at the time of the Flood.
4. The "meteors" ascertained to be from the surface of Mars show signs of heat by partial burning when entering the atmosphere of the earth amd confirm their "foreign" origin. The fireball of a meteor is caused by melting and ionization of the outer layers of the meteorite, leaving a blackened layer called a fusion crust.
5. The ice in the Antarctic is resting on bedrock far below the surface of the ocean. A buildup of snow over eons can not account for the depth of the ice below sea level. Being dumped from outer space can do so.
6. There is clear evidence that Mars at one time supported a great amount of water, enough to have had an ocean. Please see for this evidence of a shoreline on Mars.
7. The Martian rocks called meteors found in many parts of the Earth are also mingled in the Antarctic ice and are of recent origin according to the most eminent astronomers. The recent origin of the Mars meteors is cited in well documented article on line
"The ALH84001 meteorite was among the SNCs discovered in Antarctica. It is the oldest known SNC, with its crystallization age of 4.5 billion years indicating the rock is as old as Mars itself. The meteorite is thought to have been blasted off Mars 15 million years ago and remained in interplanetary orbit until entering the Earth's atmosphere and landing in Antarctica approximately 13,000 years ago. "
8. Loss of oceans on Mars. In the same scientific survey of the evidence the origin of the Martian "meteors" the astronomers point out that there is evidence on Mars of a condition where there were vast amounts of water that are now missing. Thus the amount of water may have been swept off the planet by the near collision postulated by Velikoski and Patten. The astronomers agree there were oceans (called flood conditions) on Mars in the past as indicated in the following quotation.
An analysis of the Chassigny, Shergotty, and Zagami meteorites by Watson et al. (1994) found a high deuterium/hydrogen ratio relative to terrestrial values, as well as only a tenth as much water in the amphibole mineral phases as expected. Watson et al. interpreted these results as supporting the assertion that, in order for Mars to have lost the amount of water implied by the contrast between current Martian conditions and the ancient flood features seen on the planet, the escape rate of hydrogen from Mars must have been higher in the past.
9. Mars' two Moons: There is one other evidence on Mars similar to the fragmentation of the Planet that once orbited in the asteroid belt. That is the two moons of Mars whose origin is more akin to capturing a fragment of an asteroid than to portions of the planet being torn from the surface of Mars itself. The moons are not round as are other planetary moons in the solar system but are elongated and erose and craggy in nature. Astronomers agree with this assumption in a comment in an article on the moons of Mars.
Phobos and Deimos [are] compositionally similar to Type 1 carbonaceous chondrites found in the asteroid belt. These data strongly suggest capture as the origin of the two asteroid like moons of Mars.
10. The Moons were seen from Earth with the naked eye. Jonathan Swift wrote in 1726 a remarkably accurate description of the moons of Mars 151 years before they were discovered by astronomers. In Gulliver's Voyage to Laputa Chapter 3 he describes the astronomers in a fictitious place and their ability to describe the moons of Mars before they had been first discovered by astronomers in 1877.
They have likewise discovered two lesser Stars, or Satellites, which revolve about Mars; whereof the innermost is distant from the Center of the primary Planet exactly three of his Diameters, and the outermost five; the former revolves in the space of ten Hours, and the latter in Twenty-one and an Half; so that the Squares of their periodical Times, are very near in the same Proportion with the Cubes of their Distance from the Center of Mars; which evidently shews them to be governed by the same Law of Gravitation, that influences the other heavenly Bodies.
Could this be coincidence? Or did Swift have knowledge from an earlier period when Mars was drawn off its orbital path close to the Earth where and when the moons were observed and their sighting preserved in folk lore and oral history.
Where did all the extra water come from? Possibly from Mars.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Water on Mars
Posted by
Fred Miller
9:38 AM
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- Fred Miller
- Carrollton, Georgia, United States
- Evangelist and professor of Bible, History, Greek, and Hebrew. Currently living with wife, Charlotte, in Carrollton, Georgia, just outside Atlanta. Please visit my bio at for more information.
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