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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ordinary Islam Fosters Terrorism

Islam fosters terrorism. The religion itself is of human origin and archaic. Medieval violence and ugly hatred is imbedded in the religion. It is oppressive to women and any free thought.

The youth in Iran want to over throw the oppression and seek secular freedom. Islam in general itself is in the way of that proper attitude. The God of creation has allowed freedom to choose good or evil for your self in this life until the day of the Great Divide. Then the "blessed and only Potentate" will make the final decisions. At this point you can love him or hate him without impunity. Islam has no such doctrine of freedom of speech or thought for the enemy.

I have been writing and speaking for more than 20 years that Islamic nations will open to religious and political freedom in the season we are living in. The Wahabi militants will not let that happen without murder and mayhem and worse of all is that a majority of so called moderate Islamists condone and intellectually justify the method of murdering working class bus riders and countless children to make their religious-political point.

Just now in the USA our media is beginning to insist on describing the hate filled muslims as "Fundamental Islamist terrorists" instead of the generic term "terrorist" as though terrorist acts are not 99% the product of muslims in Algeria, Somolia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Indonesia, Saudi, Russia, Palestine, etc. etc. And several now see the terrorist war as an ideological struggle of resurgent Islam with the goal to spread its ugly sharia to every "infidel" nation in the world. The Mosque is the center for hate and destruction, it is inherent in the religion. It will not go away until the religion changes.

This struggle will get worse before it gets better and in all likelihood some one involved in the "Holy Jihad" will detonate an atomic device in a Western city and murder millions to make a point for their false, ungodly, and unholy religion. OK , not every doctrine or cultural expression is bad. So down with the worse! i.e. the Koran, and Mohammed. I am not naive.