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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pediphile Priests not limited to 2010

The following was written in Feb. 26 2007

except for Peter who was a bishop in Babylon but no doubt died in Rome, the rest of the first six men listed as Popes in your list may have been bishops of Rome but they made no claim to being the head of all the churches. Historical facts seem clear that there was no fusion of the authority of Spiritual and the temporal or what is known as the Temporality until Justinian in the 6th century. While Constantinople remained in the Catholic community and were participants in the first seven councils they did not a ccept the superiority of the Bishop of Rome over "all the churches."

However in some things I accept the moral superiority of Roman Catholic influence over the secular demon that now holds sway over western civilization. The Roman church held the line on abortion and properly taught that human life begins at the moment of conception. This too while evangelical protestants thought it was a political issue rather than a moral issue and had to be taught by their Roman Catholic friends and who eventually (most of them) adopted the thinking of the Roman church on this issue.

The principles confronting the Roman church on homosexuality are under assault. I hope they can not only hold the moral ground on the issue but get their priesthood cleansed from the sexual sins plaguing the system world wide.